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Salti Sport Dogs
Vizsla - The Hungarian Pointer
"Vizsla" means pointer in Hungarian, and hunting is what this breed loves best - that is, when they aren't hugging and loving on their humans. Just FYI, the plural of Vizsla is Vizslak, but most of us still use "Vizslas" when talking about more than one. What is a pack of Vizslas called? Words like "riot," "chaos," or "explosion" come to mind! Here are some links to Vizsla information that will help you research this breed:
Showsight magazine articles on the Vizsla
AKC's meet the Vizsla breed
AKC's article about the Versatile Vizsla
The Vizsla Club of America website
Animal Planet's video on Vizslas
Wikipedia has a Vizsla entry
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